
Free download steam dark and darker
Free download steam dark and darker

free download steam dark and darker

They just have to do what makes sense to them. If you are wanting to play it with some friends and they are unwilling to buy it then you might not even buy it yourself which is a loss of 3 potential players immediately. With a three person squad it's much easier to get your friends into the game by just saying 'hey download this new free title and play with me' and suddenly the game has +3 players. Some of the games are very high quality and fun to play but without a playerbase to sustain them nobody is going to buy them and with nobody buying them there is no incentive for the dev to work on it. Just need someone on their team to push for it and it could still happen.

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Once they go through the Steam store more they might reconsider it, lots of dead in the water indie multiplayer only games on there that decided to slap a pricetag on and would later come to regret it. Yes that is correct "leaning away from" means probably not going to be fully F2P but they haven't outright given up on the idea of F2P or they would just say it will be a fully paid game, they are still in the process of investigating what makes sense and how other games have fared.

Free download steam dark and darker